Let's face it, popcorn is one of the coolest snack foods on the planet. It's soft and crunchy, it can be savory or sweet, and it explodes!
Today, we're diving into some of the most incredible facts about popcorn. Learn something new, wow your friends, and enjoy some tasty Opopop all at the same time :)
Interesting Fact #1: Popcorn can pop up to 30 times its size and up to 3 feet in the air.
When a popcorn kernel pops, the moisture inside the kernel gelatinizes the gluten inside, which puffs up into a delicious explosion as the outer shell bursts. The force of that explosive carb-burst can throw a popcorn kernel up to three feet in the air and pop it over 30 times the kernel's original size in soft, puffy goodness.
Interesting Fact #2: You can cook popcorn in hot sand
There are many different ways to cook Popcorn, and we think the best modern day solution is using the Opopop microwave popcorn popper combined with our mouth watering Flavor Wrapped Popcorn Kernels or Pop Cups.
However, in ancient Peru, they had a different way to pop kernels with evenly distributed heat: hot sand. Peruvians would stir popcorn kernels into hot sand to help each kernel heat and pop. Next time you're on a hot beach give it a try!
Interesting Fact #3: Popcorn has been spotted throughout ancient North, Central, and South America
Popcorn is over 5000 years old, leaving traditions and relics throughout the American continents.
Designed around A.D 300, the world's oldest known popper was a shallow vessel with a handle and a hole in the lid. We now use awesome silicone bowls that prevent a single kernel from burning during the pop. You can see how we pop popcorn today at Opopop by watching our popping video.
The discovery of a 17000-year-old funeral urn in Mexico had decorations of a maize (or corn) god wearing a popcorn headdress.
There were also discoveries in the southwestern part of Utah of a 1,000-year-old popped kernel of popcorn in a dry cave.
The Aztecs even used popcorn for ceremonies. Young women would perform the "popcorn dance" with popcorn garlands on their heads. Popcorn was also used as decoration, necklaces, and adorned statues of gods.
American Indians further north once believed that spirits lived in the corn kernel and the "pop" was an angry spirit emerging in a burst of steam after his kernel had been disturbed.
Interesting Fact #4: The world's largest ball of popcorn was 24 feet wide and 9,370 pounds
Who doesn't love a popcorn ball? You can visit the world's largest popcorn ball in Sac City, Iowa. It is 24 feet wide and 9,370 pounds in weight. To make it, 250 volunteers spent 12 hours and 40 minutes compacting 900 pounds of popcorn, 2,500 pounds of sugar, and 1,400 pounds of syrup. Too bad we can't eat it.
Interesting Fact #5: Americans love popcorn more than any other country
Americans love popcorn. We eat more popcorn than any other country, and most of the popcorn eaten worldwide is grown right here in the US. The average American man eats almost 70 quarts of popcorn a year, and Americans consume more than 17 billion quarts of popcorn annually.
We also have a strong historical relationship with popcorn. During WWII, sugar rationing resulted in a restriction on candy, which meant we had to fall back on other snacks. Our favorite? You guessed it - the lightly salted bowl of popcorn. Today, you can explore all sorts of creative popcorn flavors on our "Refill Station" to keep your taste buds happy.
Americans even went through a strange phase where they ate popcorn with milk and sugar, like cereal. Today all Opopop employees still do this every morning :)
Interesting Fact #6: Unpopped popcorn kernels are called "spinsters" or "old maids."
Did you know that those unpopped popcorn kernels have a name? They're called "spinsters" or "old maids," after unmarried women from a previous time.
Spinsters are caused by kernels without enough moisture to create steam for the explosion.
Interesting Fact #7: Popcorn Comes in 2 Shapes: Mushroom, and Butterfly
Butterfly Popcorn: Also sometimes referred to as "snowflake popcorn", butterfly popcorn gets its name from the distinctive shape it takes when popped. As the kernels heat up, the moisture inside causes them to burst open, creating irregularly shaped pieces with “wings” that resemble a butterfly. These wings create a larger surface area, making it ideal for holding onto toppings like butter, salt, or other seasonings.
Mushroom Popcorn: Mushroom popcorn, aptly named for its mushroom-like shape, pops into a dense, rounded ball that closely resembles a mushroom cap. Its compact form makes it perfect for coating with various flavors, like caramel, chocolate, or savory seasonings, as it retains its shape and holds up well under different coatings.
Can you guess which variety Opopop uses for our Flavor Wrapped Kernels and Pop Cups?
Interesting Fact #8: January 19th is National Popcorn Day
Looking for a special day to enjoy popcorn? It's the day you take all the popcorn garlands off the Christmas tree! We're kidding, don't eat those. Feed your stale holiday popcorn garlands to the hungry wintertime birds. But do pop a fresh, delicious bowl of popcorn for the family on January 19 to celebrate National Popcorn Day.
Interesting Fact #9: Nebraska grows the most popcorn
Over 1/4 of the national popcorn production comes from Nebraska, closely followed by neighboring agricultural states including Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri.
Opopop grows all of their kernels on a top secret farm in Nebraska using a proprietary popcorn kernel strain called XXXX.
Interesting Fact #10: Popcorn Is Nutritious
Last but not least, popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks available. It's a superfood, packed with nutrients and has more protein than any other cereal grain, more iron than eggs and roast beef, and more fiber than pretzels or chips.
Many people use popcorn for weight loss because of its low-cal, high-nutrient balance, and with the right toppings, it can even be an energizing snack for your mid-afternoon pick-me-up.
Ready to re-up your popcorn stash? Visit our "Refill Station" today or learn about one of our subscription options to save time and money.