To be a true popcorn connoisseur, you need all the flavors. That's why we created The Ultimate Popcorn Collection. It comes with all of our Flavor Wrapped Popcorn Kernel flavors and all of our Peel + Pour Popcorn Cup flavors. Plus, you'll get our Opopop Popcorn Popper, and a Test Launch pouch of our Lightly Salted flavor to dial in your cook time. That's 7 different flavors and a lot of popcorn. Start inviting your friends.
- 7 pouches of Flavor Wrapped Kernels
- 12 Peel + Pour Pop Cups
1 Opopop Microwave Popcorn Popper
- Each pouch fills the popper
Each pop cup fills half the popper
- Makes a total of 123 cups of popcorn
- All flavors are Gluten Free + Non-GMO
- Vegan (except Chedapeño, Fancy Butter, Like Buddahh + Super Butter)
- Opopop Popper is BPA free and dishwasher safe